Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Know about the latest fad of Paleo Diet

These days diabetes, obesity and Blood pressure have become the most common among people. According to latest news reports, India ranks first in the list of Diabetes. These days, not just aged people by also youngsters (age14-25) suffer from diabetes and obesity. The numbers are increasing rapidly. But the bigger question is how can one overcome this life threatening condition?

Researchers have proved that Paleo diet is the apt solution to curb the modern day issues and this diet has created news headlines across the globe. It’s like eating how the Paleolithic age man ate. The diet recommendations in Paleo diet are exactly opposite to modern day nutritionists/doctors advice. Paleo diet follows the concept of eat fat- shed fat. But wondering how is it possible?  

People who live around 10,000 years ago did not know how to cultivate crops. Then, hunting was main source for food. The fruits they ate were mostly seasonal and that was not enough to provide energy. History has also proved that humans have been accustomed to extract energy from meat.

But today, our food consists of adulterated fruits, vegetables, chemically processed refined oils, glutton added flour etc.
As we continuously intake such foods, body stacks up trans fat, leading to all sort of diseases over the time. 

Now if you wish to follow Paleo diet chart then you are advised to skip high carbohydrate food items like rice, wheat, maida, cereals, rice, vegetables that grow under the ground such as potatoes, beetroot and fruits that contains fructose. This diet recommends that one consumes high omega fatty acid and B12 rich food items like eggs, chicken, mutton, pork and beef meats, nuts like Almonds that contains high cholesterol, Broccoli and Cabbage that contain magnesium. 

Normally a Paleo diet consists intake of 100 grams Almonds in morning, 4 eggs plus paleo veges for lunch, better tea for evening and any kind of meat for dinner. Once the body is use to this diet, then it starts to extract energy from fat. There is no denial that body can take energy from carbohydrate but that is instant energy and it is never sufficient for body’s apt functioning.

As the body is use to extracting energy from fat, it starts to burn out the fat that was stored around the belly and the weight loss is visible in a week’s time. The most common aspect that we hear is that cholesterol leads to heart attack but that is still not medically proven and is till now an assumption.

According to experts if Paleo diet is followed regularly, then it can bring diabetes to normalcy. Obesity and join pain are also to an extent cured by it. At the end of day, health is wealth and healthy living leads to happy living.

What happens when you stop hitting the gym?

Health and Fitness are breaking the news headlines almost every day.  Being fitness has become an integral part but due to hectic schedule not many of us are able to attend gym sessions. If you have been going to gym regularly, then taking break once in a while won’t cause any harm. But a long break is definitely it’s an alarm to your fitness levels. Here are some side effects of stop hitting the gym:-

#Weight Gain
Once you stop hitting the gym automatically you stop to burn calories and this in turn makes you gain more weight. It is definite consequence.

#Health Issues
There is always a particular diet when one attends the gym, but that absolutely goes for a toss once not attending the gym. This is because the intake of food and burning of calories are not proportional, leading to health issues. Also no proper intake of nutrients may leave you with low resistance power.

#Blood flow decreases
It’s very crucial to not just maintain physical fitness but also fitness of Heart. The fitness of heart decreases once you stopping going to gym, thus main function of heart to pump the blood to viems decreases after few weeks of not attending the gym.  With proper blood flow across the body, the person tends to remain active and energetic throughout the day.

#Fall out of shape
This is very commonly seen in people who have suddenly stop hitting the gym. The muscles that were built with rigorous workout and sweating sessions all tend to loosen up, thus causing pain and tear of muscles.

#Mood Swings
Studies have proven that regular exercise reduces depression.
But when we stop doing exercises chemicals that cause depression that were suppressed by exercise is no more controlled, leading to mood swings. Above all the guilt of gaining weight also adds fuel to this. 

So the next time if you stop going to gym for a long gap, remember these and act accordingly.

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